Fern Society of WA


Monthly Society Meetings 

When:              First Sunday of the month (Excl. December and January)

Where:             Manning Senior Citizens Hall
                          Corner Ley Street and Downey Drive, Manning.

Time:                2:15pm (Arrive a little early)

Plenty of on-site and offstreet parking available.

At the meetings there is a lot to enjoy:

- Door Prizes; A new plant / gardening item to be won by a lucky attendee at the meeting. 

- Members raffle: Where members bring in all manner of ferns and gardening items for the raffle bench.

- Informative Talks: Usually on ferns (Growing tips, species presentations,propogation tips, or show and tells)

- Fern/Plant Sales: Lots of plants you wont find at bunnings! 

- Cuppa & Refreshments: Members bring in a light afternoon tea for all to share over a cuppa and chat.

When:              First Sunday of the month, except for December and January.
Where:             Manning Senior Citizens Hall, corner Ley Street and Downey Drive, Manning.
Time:                2:15pm.

Members receive a quarterly newsletter at the meeting or by post (black & white) or email (full-colour) if they do not attend.

Everyone is welcome so why not come and join us for a very pleasant afternoon.

Further enquiries please contact Ray on  9314 1736
Email: wafernsociety@gmail.com

︎︎︎ Sunday 7
 July @ Manning Senior Citizens Hall

Fern Society At: Garden Clubs & Societies Fair
︎︎︎ 7 & 8  September @ 
South Perth Community Centre